Beef with Apple Salad

  • Prep time 15Min
  • Cook time 30Min
  • Technique Broil
  • Meat Beef
  • Cut Round
  • Serves 6

Swap the apple with pasta for a dinner menu



  • 400 gram True Aussie Beef Sirloin
  • 100 gram tomato sauce
  • 2 tbsp chili sauce
  • 3 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 150 gram grated cheddar cheese
  • beef stock powder

Apple salad:

  • 2 pcs green apple
  • lemon juice from 1 pc lemon
  • 100 gr mayonnaise
  • 100 gr lettuce



  1. Marinade sirloin steak with beef stock, tomato sauce, chilli sauce and mayonnaise. Store in a sealed container in fridge for 1 hour.
  2. Put steak on a baking tray, top with grated cheese and roast in oven for 25 minutes.
  3. Apple salad: cut apple into thin slices, spray with lemon juice and mix with mayonnaise.
  4. Serve steak slice with apple salad and add shredded lettuce.

Tips: swap the apple salad with cooked pasta for dinner.